Excessive urination at night (Nocturia) in old age

Nocturnal urination is called nocturia. Nocturia is a condition where there is excessive production of urine at night making the person to get up from sleep 2 or more times at night.

And it has been found that in the population above 70 years of age, 70-93% (more than every other person) of men and 75% of women are suffering from this trouble. In addition to the sleep disturbance it causes, it also leads to low self esteem among the elderly. And in houses where the elderly person is living with their family, it also creates misunderstanding and dis-comfort.

 What are the causes of nocturia among the elderly population?

 Majority of the causes are due to age and hormone related changes that can occur due to ageing, which can result in

  1. Reduced ability to hold urine
  2. Low bladder capacity

Other causes like

  1. Increased dietary salt intake
  2. High BP, high sugar and heart problems
  3. Spinal cord and prostate problems
  4. High BMI
  5. Sleep issues, low self-esteem and tiredness
  6. Some medicines like beta blockers, SSRI’s may also contribute to the worsening of the symptoms.

Now why is nocturia important and why should we be worried? What will be the consequences?

 Frequent disturbances throughout the night lead to poor sleep quality, extreme tiredness and low mood. These might seem very insignificant considering that there are worse symptoms. But if a person is going to face the above-mentioned symptoms every single day, it will lead to more serious issues like falls, hip fractures, instability and immobility.



How to confirm whether your symptom is nocturia and appropriate diagnosis for it?

 If you are someone over the age of 60, and suffering from nocturia or if you know someone who might be having this symptom consultation with a Geriatrician will be the first step in finding your diagnosis. After talking with you and getting your symptoms, your Geriatrician might ask you to do some basic blood and urine investigations to find out the cause. In addition, your Geriatrician might ask you to maintain a diary detailing the details of your symptom like the number of times you wake-up, amount of urine and associated conditions.

 During the diagnosis, the Geriatrician may ask the following questions
  • When was it started?
  • How frequent it is?
  • What is the quantity?
  • Do you take alcohol, coffee or how much liquid intake?
  • Is your sleep adequate?
  • Are you leaking urine in your sleep?

It is important that you answer the questions asked. The symptom might have caused embarrassing moments to you in the past, but it should be ensured that you or the person who is having the symptom refrain from sharing the details due to the fear of judgement.

Treatment for nocturia

 Once the cause of your nocturia has been diagnosed, your Geriatrician might suggest your lifestyle modifications, changes in your regular medications and you might also require specific medicines and exercises for weak bladder. Though the symptom of nocturia sounds simple, it is distressing to the one undergo it. And, most often, the elderly people/senior citizens who face this situation tend to ignore it for a fear of judgement or not wanting their symptom to be a burden to the person who takes care of them. But hiding or denying the situation doesn’t do any good for anyone. Therefore, tend early to your symptoms and share your problems to your Geriatrician for a better and healthier life in your old age.

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