CoVID-19 prevention in the Elderly

There is a recent rise in CoVID-19 infection. The hospital admissions are lower in the current trend, except the senior citizen group is prone for hospital admissions, higher mortality and dependency. Some precautionary measures the elderly population can follow

Get vaccinated

The Covid-19 vaccine is highly effective at preventing severe illness and hospitalization. The elderly are at a higher risk of severe illness or death if they get infected with Covid-19. Vaccination is one of the most important things they can do to protect themselves. Sometimes CoVID-19 can be coinfected with Influenza also. If you didn’t take your flu shots take the annual flu shots too.

Practice good hand hygiene

The elderly should wash their hands regularly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after being in public places or touching common surfaces. Alcohol-based hand sanitizer can be used if soap and water are not available. Sometimes elderly have dexterity issues or difficulty opening bottles. In such cases, an electrical/electronic soap water dispenser can be used.

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Wear a mask

Wearing a mask covering the nose and mouth when are in public places or around others who are not in their household. Masks help prevent the spread of the virus by containing respiratory droplets that may contain the virus. Senior citizens may not be going out but they do come in contact with people who are visiting them including children.

Practice physical distancing

The elderly should avoid close contact with others who are sick or who have been exposed to Covid-19. They should also maintain a distance of at least 6 feet from others when in public places.

Maintain social connections

Only physical distancing is advised. It doesn’t mean one has to socially isolate themselves. Social isolation and loneliness can contribute to anxiety, depression, and stress. Elderly people can get connected with family members with appropriate physical distancing, through electronic mediums like mobile phones, and other means such as WhatsApp, Facetime etc…

Avoid large gatherings

The elderly should avoid large gatherings where it may be difficult to maintain physical distance from others.

Stay home if feeling unwell

In the presence of any CoVID-19 symptoms like fever, cough, or phlegm the elderly should isolate themselves and stay at home. In case of any breathing problems, persistent fever, confusion, falls, palpitations, chest pain, or higher heart rate it is advised to take medical help or to visit the nearby hospital.

By taking these measures, the elderly can reduce their risk of getting infected with Covid-19 and protect themselves from severe illness or hospitalization.


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