Who needs Geriatric care


Geriatric care, also known as eldercare, is specialized healthcare for older adults, for  those over the age of 65. Senior citizens or elder people require different types of care to maintain their health and quality of life. Geriatric care can encompass a range of services, including medical care, social support, and assistance with daily living activities. In this article, we will explore who needs geriatric care and why.

Older Adults with Chronic Conditions

Older adults with chronic conditions like diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, and dementia often require specialized care. Geriatric care can provide comprehensive medical care to manage chronic conditions, prevent complications, and improve quality of life. Geriatric care providers have the expertise to manage complex health problems and can work with older adults to develop personalized care plans that meet their unique needs.

Frail and Vulnerable Older Adults

Frail and vulnerable older adults have multiple chronic conditions, functional impairments, and other health challenges that increase their risk of hospitalization, disability, and death. Geriatric care can help these individuals by providing comprehensive care coordination, medication management, and rehabilitation services. Geriatric care providers can also provide emotional support and social services to help older adults remain connected to their communities and maintain a sense of purpose and dignity.

Older Adults with Cognitive Impairment

Cognitive impairment is a common problem among older adults, with dementia affecting as many as 50 million people worldwide. Geriatric care providers are trained to manage the complex medical and social needs of individuals with cognitive impairment. They can provide specialized care to manage the symptoms of dementia and other cognitive disorders, as well as provide support to family members and caregivers.

Family Caregivers of Older Adults

Family members who provide care for older adults often experience significant stress and burnout. Geriatric care providers can provide respite care, counselling, and other services to help family caregivers cope with the demands of caregiving. Geriatric care providers can also provide education and training to help family caregivers develop the skills they need to provide effective care for their loved ones.


Geriatric care is an essential component of healthcare for older adults. It provides specialized care to meet the unique needs of older adults with chronic conditions, cognitive impairment, and other health challenges. Geriatric care can also support family members and caregivers who provide care for older adults. If you or a loved one are over the age of 65 and require specialized care, consider seeking the services of a geriatric care provider to ensure the best possible care and quality of life.


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